Jaye Design appreciates the trend toward individualism

In a recent interview with Naples Florida Weekly, Vera Jaye was asked a few questions about individualism. — Interview Begins —

In life it’s always good to be ready for a second act at a moment’s notice. Vera Jaye knew when she was ready to follow her dream. From video games to luxury penthouses, she has found her path to be one of stunning design and thoughtful style. Luxe Living’s Michael Korb chatted with the designer about her career and the process.

Q: When did you first know you wanted to be a designer?

A: When I was brave enough to follow my heart. I made the big bucks managing the graphic design department for the computer game SimCity. Yet, it wasn’t meaningful enough. I wanted to own my world and my destiny, so I decided to invest in my future and go back to school. Jaye Design was born in 2005, and I’m as excited about it today as I was then. I love what I do.

Q: Where did you learn your craft?

A: Formally, at the University of California, Berkeley, where I earned a degree in interior architecture and interior design. I had iconic mentors. Informally, I was raised in sawdust. I lived and breathed in construction zones through my father’s building business. I still stay curious to find the next craftsman from whom I can glean wisdom. Finally, every day is a learning experience. Roll up your sleeves when there’s a challenge, get creative and find the right solution.

View the complete article here


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Jaye Design

1110 Pine Ridge Road
Suite 201, #8
Naples, Florida 34108
Tel 239-250-2360

